Application and acceptance of general sales terms
The following terms and conditions regulate the relationship between customers and the online shop, managed in cooperation with ProBolt Fasteners Ltd by Faster96 s.r.l., based in Via Pradazzo 1a, 40012 Calderara di Reno, Bologna (Italy), VAT/tax e Reg.Imp. Bo 01704781200, REA n. 365194. The use of the online shop is based on customer understanding of the following terms and conditions.
Inget avtal ska uppstå förrän kundens beställning (oavsett hur den har lämnats) har accepterats genom det tidigaste av företagets skriftliga godkännande, leverans av varorna eller företagets faktura. Genom att lägga en beställning på något av de möjliga sätten förklarar kunden att han eller hon har sett och godkänt allt som anges i dessa villkor.
Om kunden är en icke professionell slutanvändare måste han skriva ut och behålla dessa villkor enligt artt. 3 och 4 av Dlgs nr 185/1999
The customer cannot hold Faster96 s.r.l. responsible for damages originating from Faster96 s.r.l. refusal to accept and process the order placed by the customer.
Customer can only purchase the items displayed on the websites (URL) at the time when the order has been placed, as described in their respective sections. All informations displayed reflect the informations supplied by the respective manufacturers and can be modified top follow the new informations supplied by the manufacturers themselves. The images supplied are purely indicative and may differ in different areas from the actual product.
After every order is received, an e-mail message of confirmation is sent. It will show date and hour at which the order has been received and an order number, to be used in every comunication with Faster96 s.r.l.. The customer has to verify that all details shown in the message corresponds to what he wanted to order and transmit, and promptly give information on what needs to be changed. The customer will be able to follow order processing in the "order Status" area.
If the order is not accepted, Faster96 s.r.l. will promptly inform the customer.
All prices quoted are retail prices VAT included. Faster96 s.r.l. reserves the right to modify them any time it is necessary, without any previous notice.
På webbplats visas produkternas tillgänglighet. På grund av trafikmängden måste tillgängligheten ses som en indikation och inte som en garanti för varornas faktiska tillgänglighet.
Faster96 s.r.l. reserves the right not to accept in full orders relating to items offered at promotional prices, and can propose to the customer to accept quantity reduction. Only after customer approval, the order will finally be processed.